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Wednesday 3 October 2012

A Typical Tuesday Morning

                "BEEP, BEEP, BEEP." On a typical Tuesday morning, my alarm sounded vigorously at the crack of dawn. The thing was driving me crazy, and, to be honest, it was the last thing I wanted to hear at this ungodly-early hour. It was really starting to get on my nerves. If there is a definition of "grinding someone's gears" this had got to be it. As per usual, I turned the unpleasant rumbling of the wicked contraption off so I could get some shut eye, when all of a sudden my mother burst through the door in a white hot rage. I thought to myself "do not tempt fate" and try to fight back in this one-sided dispute. My mother was about to lose her cool about my feeble attempt to get some extra sleep. "I have had it up to "here" with you" she bellowed, "how many times do I have to tell you?" Apparently, I had really done it this time with my unavoidable morning sluggishness. After this usual morning outburst had subsided, I decided to gather my thoughts in order to get ready for the upcoming events that awaited me during the day. "Every dark cloud has a silver lining" I optimistically reminded myself, maybe one day these tongue lashings will all make sense. This statement reminded me of another point my mother always made "one of these days when you are a parent, you will understand" and, all of a sudden, it was as if all the happiness in the world had disappeared in one swift snap of the fingers.