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Sunday 5 February 2012

Write for Your Life

Sohail Sidhu
117 Rogers Cres
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 8E6

February 2, 2012

Captain Draude
HMS Princess Margaret

O Captain, My Captain:
            There has been some talk around the ship recently about you having to make a decision that concerns our lives. As soon as I heard about this unfortunate news, I decided to send you a letter explaining why I should be chosen among one of the survivors of this ill-fated situation. I hope this letter will somehow help impact the very difficult decision that has been presented to you.

            First and foremost, I would like to inform you about my plans for the future. If you choose me to survive, I will be extremely beneficial to not only you, but the entire community, and possibly even the world. After high school, I plan on going to a post-secondary institution to further my studies and pursue a career in the medical field. It has always been my dream since I was just a young child to become a doctor. I have two goals that I plan on reaching by accomplishing this. Firstly, I have always had a passion for helping others. It is extremely satisfying to be given the opportunity to help someone make their life better. I believe that saving someone's life is one of the most noble deeds a human can achieve. Coincidentally, you are being given this same opportunity through the choice you will have to make. My second goal is to be able to make my parents proud. They have both worked so hard to raise me that it would not be fair to them if it all went to waste at the bottom of this ocean.

            I understand that other students are also planning on sending you letters with their own plea for mercy. I can assure you right now that those letters are going to be chalked full of lies, bribes and unrelated facts. The others are going to tell you that they will change their way of life positively if you let them live, or that they will give you gifts for the rest of your life, but the harsh reality is that they are just going to run away from here as far as they can. My letter on the other hand is just the simple truth. Those are my goals and I plan on achieving them for the betterment of our world. I hope that you can find it in your heart to spare me so I can continue my journey to reach these goals. If it really does come down to it, and I do not make the list of survivors, I hope that my passing can somehow improve the lives of the other students by letting them live, and giving them the opportunity to do great things. Lastly, I thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this letter. I know you have a lot of thinking to do before you make your final decision, and I truly hope that this letter will assist you in making that decision correctly.


Sohail Sidhu     

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