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Friday 28 September 2012

The Force

            If I was given the choice to select any superpower imaginable, I would definitely choose to have the force, like from Star Wars, which would allow me to physically move objects with the simple wave of a hand. Additional powers that come along with the force would be strength, accuracy, speed, telekinesis and enhanced reflexes. This extraordinary power would be extremely helpful for not only myself, but also for others. As far as specific benefits go, with this powerful force at the palm of my hands, I could effortlessly become the greatest athlete of all time. I could use my ability to make myself an unstoppable player in a handful of different sports including: basketball, hockey, football and even golf. If I were a basketball player, I could use my unique ability to mold a ridiculous jump shot to make the ball go through the hoop every time. Or in hockey, I could use the force to add an unearthly power and accuracy to my shot to snipe it whenever I please. Even as a hockey goaltender, I could force the puck to slow down and direct itself right into my glove. On the football field, I could become a relentless wide receiver by forcing the football into my hands every time the quarterback decided to throw it, providing a touchdown on every drive down the field. In golf, I could get an absurd number of hole in ones by forcing the ball to fall consistently into the hole. Along with my fantastic athletic ability would come great fame and a mind-boggling sum of money from all the enormous contracts that I would be signed to with various sports teams. This is also how my power could help the world, as a lot of that money could be very useful as a donation to many different charities and relief programs. Another way my power could help others is if there were ever any disasters around the world, anything from extreme weather conditions to oil spills, I could use my incredible power to play a vital role in helping with the rescue of people and with the cleanup of the mess caused by the catastrophic event. I would just have to stand in one spot, and from there I could use the force to effortlessly lift all of the debris and rubble out of the way. Ultimately, the power of the force would be an exceptional power to have as it would benefit myself, and better yet, the planet.  

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